Can You Freeze Rhubarb? How to Freeze Rhubarb?

Can You Freeze Rhubarb?

Rhubarb Stalks
Source: Pexels

Can you freeze rhubarb? The answer is yes! Rhubarb is a delicious fruit that can be used in pies, jams, and even cocktails. But what happens if you have too much of it and need to store it for later? Freezing any food is a proven way to save it for future use. Read on to learn how to properly freeze this delicious fruit so that it retains its flavor and texture.

What is Rhubarb?

Bowl of Stalks
Source: Pexels

Rhubarb is a plant that has its origin in India. This plant is a leafy perennial herb and can be found mostly across India and China. The stalks of the rhubarb plant are used as a food ingredient and are often used in pies and other desserts.

Rhubarb is a source of fiber and vitamin C. The leaves of the rhubarb plant are poisonous, and should not be eaten. You can freeze rhubarb, and it’s quite simple to do. Rhubarb has its red color due to anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin pigments.

It is a herb that is packed with several healing properties. One of the most ancient uses of rhubarb is its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties of it. Due to this reason, many east Asians tend to eat it frequently.

However, overuse of rhubarb should be avoided. The leaves contain high traces of oxalates which are harmful to human health.

How to Freeze Rhubarb?

How to freeze rhubarb?
Source: Pixabay

If you have a sweet tooth then you probably crave cakes, sauces, and pies most often. Rhubarbs are frequently associated with these items. If you have too much fresh rhubarb on hand, you can freeze it for later use. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1. Cut the fresh rhubarb into small pieces, about 1-inch long. Small pieces of rhubarbs are a better way to freeze them.

Step 2. Line parchment paper on a baking tray and evenly place the chopped rhubarb pieces. Do not freeze rhubarb by placing them directly on the baking tray. Lining it with parchment paper provides the perfect base for freezing them. It becomes easy to lift them off parchment paper than lifting them off a normal tray.

Step 3. Freeze the rhubarb for 2-3 hours, or until solid. Usually, a 3-hour window is sufficient to freeze rhubarb.

Step 4. Once frozen, add the rhubarbs into air-tight bags or containers and label them. This will help you for future reference. Do not use frozen rhubarb that has surpassed 6 months.

Step 5. You can store them now for around 6 months. However, it is better to consume it within 5 months. Because storing for longer periods alters the original taste and has a high risk of bacterial growth.

Step 6. So, if you are trying to freeze blanched rhubarbs, here’s what you can do. Blanch rhubarbs for around 1 minute in boiling water. Then dip them immediately into chilled water. Once cooled, drain all the water and dry rhubarbs using towels or napkins. Pop them into air-tight containers or bags and freeze them.

Tips to Freeze Rhubarb

Tips to Freeze Rhubarb
Source: Pexels

You can freeze rhubarb to extend its shelf life. If you’re looking to freeze rhubarb, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

  • First, make sure to wash the rhubarb thoroughly before freezing it and trim off any leaves. It is because these leaves contain a high amount of oxalic acid and it can turn into a harmful substance if left with rhubarbs.
  • Second, cut the rhubarb into small pieces before freezing, as this will help it to thaw more quickly and evenly later on. Place them on baking paper before freezing.
  • Finally, be sure to label the freezer bag or container with the date so you know how long it’s been in there.
  • When it comes time to thaw the frozen rhubarb, simply place it in a colander and run cold water over it until it is completely thawed.
  • Once thawed, you can use the rhubarb in any recipe that calls for fresh rhubarb. Enjoy!
  • However, if you are thinking of using frozen rhubarb in making cakes and pastries then try to avoid it. It is because if the rhubarb isn’t completely dry it will end up making your batter soggy and then cakes will turn out to be fudgy and bland.

Recipes Using Frozen Rhubarb

Recipes to Try with rhubarb
Source: Pexels

Rhubarb has long been part of different delicious recipes. If you’re looking for some tasty recipes that use frozen rhubarb, you’ve come to the right place! Here are a few recommendations from us:

  • Rhubarb Crumble: This classic dessert is always a hit! Simply combine your frozen rhubarb with some sugar, flour, and butter, then top with a delicious crumble topping. Serve with ice cream or custard for an extra special treat.
  • Rhubarb Pie: Another great way to use up frozen rhubarb is in pies! Combine it with some sugar and thickener, then pour it into a pre-baked pie crust. Top with a second crust or lattice top, then bake until golden brown.
  • Rhubarb Sauce: Frozen rhubarb also makes a great sauce! Simply cook it down with some sugar and water until it’s soft, then puree it in a blender or food processor. Serve over ice cream, pancakes, or waffles for a delicious treat.
  • Rhubarb Roast: Once the rhubarbs are back to room temperature cut them into slightly longer pieces. Add them to a bowl and sprinkle sugar according to your taste. Preheat the ocean to 200°C. Wrap the sugar-coated rhubarbs in aluminum foils and place them on the lining tray. Cook for 15 minutes and then discard the aluminum foil. Again cook for 5 minutes and serve!
  • Rhubarb Stew: In a pan add rhubarb along with fresh orange juice or water. Then keep adding proportions of 15 g sugar in batches till you achieve desired sweetness. At the final stage add some finely grated ginger for a better taste. Allow it to simmer for some time and serve while hot.

Key Takeaways

So, can you freeze rhubarb? Yes! Freezing rhubarb is a great way to extend its shelf life and enjoy it year-round. Be sure to wash and trim the stalks before freezing, and consider slicing or chopping them into smaller pieces to make thawing and cooking easier. Freezing rhubarb allows you to relish it across different seasons. However, remember the tips mentioned above to avoid any bacterial contamination.

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