Can You Freeze Plant Based Milk?
Milk is something you can not buy in bulk because they are perishable and tend to spoil within a few days. However, on a sale day, you must be thinking of buying more liters of milk than usual; it might even be plant-based milk. But, can you store the milk for later use? Can you freeze the milk that is plant-based?
Yes, you can freeze the milk that is plant-based and store it for later use. There is not much difference in the freezing techniques of dairy-based milk and dairy-free milk. Therefore, freezing extra milk for later use is your best bet if you find yourself with a surplus of it.
However, it is also necessary to take the use-by date of the milk into account. Because freezing milk that has expired will not do well. Similarly, freezing milk that has been exposed to air for more than a day or so is not advised.
In this article, I am going to talk about the widely used types of plant-based milk: almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, and oat milk.
Freezing Almond Milk
Almond milk comes in packages that keep the milk fresh for a certain period. This is generally a few months until you open the milk. But, if you open the milk package, you are supposed to consume it within 2-3 days.
Almond milk is freezable. However, it is advised to avoid freezing almond milk. Because more than freezing, defrosting almond milk is complicated. This is because thawing almond milk might change the flavor and color. Also, thawing the frozen milk results in a significant separation of sizable fragments floating in a liquid.
You would not want that to happen to your almond milk, right? Therefore, it is better if you do not intend to freeze almond milk, even if it is possible. Consume the milk within 2-3 days after opening the milk package. Otherwise, they stay good for several months, if unopened.
Freezing Coconut Milk
Yes, you can freeze coconut milk. It can be frozen, unlike almond milk. And freezing coconut milk means you can store it longer than usual. Coconut milk is also ideal for making frozen desserts, such as coconut ice lollies, and many other delicacies.
Freezing coconut milk is simple and safe. You can freeze it in a freezer-safe container, can, or if you want to store the milk in portions, you can use an ice cube tray or ice lolly mold. Frozen coconut milk can last in the freezer for up to six weeks.
Freezing Soy Milk
Soy milk has similar properties to almond milk. Therefore, it is not recommended to freeze soy milk. While it is technically possible to freeze soy milk, you should avoid doing so. Because freezing leads to alterations in the texture and consistency of the milk.
However, if you are using soy milk as part of any recipe, you can freeze it, given that the recipe is freezable. But keep in mind that most soy milk produces recommend not freezing their product.
On the other hand, if the pack is sealed, you can keep soy milk for several months. Make sure to consume it within 3-4 days if you open the milk package.
Can You Freeze Oat Milk?
Yes, you can freeze oat milk. They are freezable if stored properly in airtight containers. And you can freeze oat milk for up to three months. While freezing is simple, make sure you defrost oat milk carefully and gradually. Give your oat milk a good shake before use.
Freezing oat milk might show slight alterations in its consistency, but that does not mean the milk is spoiled. You can still use your oat milk as you wish. Also, if the oat milk package is unopened, you do not need to freeze it. You can keep it unless it is sealed until its expiry date.
How Can You Freeze Milk?
While it is not advised to freeze all types of plant-based milk, you can still freeze them. Freezing plant-based milk is similar to whole, low-fat milk. Also, freezing increases the shelf-life of the milk and you can store them for later use.
It is strongly recommended to use plastic milk jugs, airtight containers, or ice trays to freeze milk. Never use glass storage, because milk expands while freezing and this will break the glass. Additionally, leave a headspace of about a couple of inches in the container to allow milk to expand.
Another important aspect of freezing plant-based milk is to label and date the container or bag you’re freezing in. This will make sure you know how long they have been in the freezer. The milk should be put in the freezer away from food items that can give off odors, that include meat or fish.
If you do not intend to use all of the frozen milk at once, try freezing them in portions. This will allow you to use the required quantity of milk at a time, without thawing the whole frozen plant-based milk. The opened package of plant-based milk that would have otherwise lasted for a maximum of 3-4 days in the refrigerator, will now last for up to 6 weeks.
How Can You Defrost Plant-Based Milk?
Frozen plant-based milk should be defrosted in the refrigerator before you intend to use it. Place the freezing container on a plate to collect any moisture due to condensation. It is ideal to defrost the milk overnight or 24 hours before use.
Make sure the milk reaches its original texture after defrosting for the best results. Give a good shake to the milk before every use. You can make smoothies, shakes, and desserts, or use the milk in other recipes.
How Can You Use Defrosted Almond Milk?
While it is not advised to freeze almond milk, you can freeze the milk though. How to use it? The same way you freeze other milk.
Almond milk that has been defrosted is most frequently used in recipes of cooking and baking. It is not recommended to consume defrosted almond milk cold. Although you can consume fresh almond milk, you should use defrosted almond milk in baked goods and cooking.
There is other plant-based milk as well, such as cashew milk. While it is equally freezable like its substitutes, whether you should freeze cashew milk or not depends on how it reacts to the freezing. If you want your milk to last in the freezer, one thing you should do is stir the milk vigorously before freezing.
Summing it up, that was all about freezing plant-based milk. Yes, you can freeze them, but not all types react to freezing and defrosting well. Therefore, you can keep them unopened in their packages if you wish to store them until expired.