Can You Freeze Ginger? Ways To Freeze Ginger!

Is It Possible To Freeze Ginger?

In this article, discover how to properly freeze and preserve ginger roots if you have extra for later use.

Can You Freeze Ginger

What Is Ginger?

Ginger stems from the rhizome (taproot) of Zingier Official, a tropical crepe myrtle belonging to the same family as cardamom and turmeric, even though it is sometimes referred to as ginger root. Gingerroot, an aromatic molecule that changes into a milder zinger when warmed or dried and gives raw, fresh ginger its bite, is what gives ginger its harsh flavor. Ginger is used in many cuisines, including those of Asia and India, to produce both sour and sweet foods.

What Are Ginger’s Health Advantages?

In India, China, Greece, and the Middle East, ginger has been used medicinally for thousands of years, particularly to treat motion and nausea sickness. Additionally, it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities.

Buying Fresh Ginger

Try buying at a specialist market where there is greater demand for ginger if your regular grocery store doesn’t carry the best ginger. Markets in regions of Asia, especially India are a smart bet.

Buying Fresh Ginger

It might surprise you to learn that you can cultivate your own ginger. Plant a ginger root in a tiny pot and leave it on the window sill for an endless supply of ginger. It will produce leaves and branches like any other indoor plant.

Simply pluck the shrub, cut off a bit of the root, and put the remaining ginger back into its container whenever you need it for a dish. As long as you maintain your plant well-watered, plucking the root won’t do any harm to the plant and you will never grow out of ginger.

Freezing Ginger:

Both fresh and ground ginger are available for use in cooking. In contrast to the powdered version, which is softer and occasionally tastes somewhat sweet, fresh gingerroot is robust and has a sharp, stinging flavor. The fresh version gives many recipes a distinctive and crucial burst of flavor.

Freezing Ginger

The issue is that fresh gingerroot won’t stay at ambient temperature or in the freezer for longer than two to three weeks. You’ll frequently discover that it has degraded, congealed into such a lump, or even rotted. Particularly if you have sliced or grated any portion of it, this is true. The good news is that freezing will help you keep your fresh ginger. And it’s a really easy process.

Things You Require For Freezing Ginger:

Only a few tools that you certainly have in your kitchen are required for freeze-fresh ginger roots, such as a knife, a container in the fridge bag or containers, a marker, and, of course, fresh ginger. 

How To Freeze Ginger?

Ginger may be frozen easily by being tightly sealed in an airtight container in the fridge bag or container. Begin by using the freshest ginger you can locate. The parts with the finest flavor comprise those that are thick, wrinkle-free, and fresh.

How To Freeze Ginger

To make it simple to identify the ginger later, put the pieces into bags and store and mark them with the ingredients, date, and quantity (either by mass or by measurement in inches).

How To Freeze Whole Ginger?

The simplest and most straightforward method of freezing ginger is to put it in a zip-lock bag or other airtight container and freeze it

  • Peel: Take your ginger roots and do this first. A teaspoon is the best tool for this. To efficiently peel the ginger, scrape the spoon along its edges.
  • Dissect it (Optional): Make thumb-sized cuts in the ginger. Since recipes frequently call for this, having them frozen in individual pieces makes it simpler to take one at a time. However, this action is optional.
  • Put the ginger in a bag: After peeling, put the ginger in a zip-lock bag as well as freeze it.
  • Grate the ginger right out of the refrigerator into your dish as you need it. The slices will be so tiny after you’re done grating them that there’s no need to defrost them first; they’ll cook virtually instantaneously.
  • Although freezing ginger entirely is quite rapid, we really suggest freezing it in pieces is the end the size of a thumb. Typically, recipes ask for this. In this manner, you may just grab a thumb-sized piece of ginger and get started.

How To Freeze Whole Ginger

Store Grated Ginger In A Tray Of Ice Cubes

This is an excellent technique if you want to have ginger that has already been grated in the freezer:

Transforming Ice Cubes: Put around one tablespoon (or three tablespoons, it doesn’t matter) into each ice cube slot, then add water to get the desired consistency.

4 Ways to Preserve Ginger Root

Regardless of how and when you intend to use ginger, you can keep fresh ginger in a variety of ways:

At the counter

If you want to use the entire ginger stem in a few days, you may store it there. Make sure it’s out of the sun and in a cool, dark location.

In the fridge

Place the ginger in an airtight container or reusable plastic bag and store it in a crisper drawer. Fresh ginger may be kept in the refrigerator for more than a month when properly preserved. Ginger keeps the best in the refrigerator when it isn’t peeled because it only lasts a few weeks when it is.


Fresh ginger may be pickled. Slice the ginger using a peeler to remove the skin. In a glass container, combine the sliced ginger with equal amounts of vinegar, sugar, and water. You can keep pickled ginger in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.

Ginger Pickle

In the form of Puree

Before freezing, you may alternatively purée the ginger in a food processor to create a ginger paste. To avoid freezer burns, place the ginger blocks in a freezer bag after freezing the puree on an ice cube tray. The frozen ginger may be added right away to a broth or stir-fry. Allow the ginger to reach room temperature before adding it to a baked dish. Within six months, use frozen ginger.

Using Frozen Ginger

Whether or not the ginger has to be thawed depends on how you want to use it. To grate it, just take a piece out of the freezer, peel it, and grind the amount you require. There is no need to defrost frozen ginger because it is much simpler to peel and shred than fresh ginger. Wrap the remaining ginger carefully before putting it back in the freezer.

Using Frozen Ginger

If the recipe says ginger slices, you must thaw them out first since it is exceedingly challenging (and sometimes dangerous) to chop freezing ginger with a blade. Defrost the frozen ginger if you have already chopped it into pieces.

How Long Can Ginger Be Frozen?

The quality of the pieces of frozen ginger remains excellent for up to 9 months in the freezer.

Don’t forget to mark your ginger if your freezer is already loaded with bags or containers of frozen veggies so you won’t be left wondering what that brown object in the freezer is.

To avoid keeping something inside for too long, causing it to decay and go bad, you must remember to start dating the container or zip-top bag.

Does Ginger Lose Nutrients After Freezing?

Fortunately, freezing ginger won’t make it lose all of its nutritional value. Additionally, freezing won’t destroy any nutrients. It is important to keep in mind that with time, just like with other diets, nutrients will gradually deteriorate.

Does Ginger Lose Nutrients After Freezing

Finally, the answer is yes, you can freeze entire ginger. Remember to wash the ginger root if you’re short on time or just like entire chunks of ginger. Put it in a freezer-safe bag or container. The frozen ginger chunk can be divided into pieces later or even grated while it’s still solid.

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