Can You Freeze Coriander? Ways to Freeze Cilantro

Can You Freeze Coriander? Ways to Freeze Cilantro

Can You Freeze Coriander?
Source: Pexels

Coriander is also referred to as cilantro in the US and other countries. It is an Indian herb and is especially a part of different Indian, Thai, and Mexican dishes. If you are willing to know how to freeze coriander leaves, then keep reading to find out.

Fresh coriander leaves are the perfect form of garnishing different culinary cuisines. However, eating coriander can help in regulating blood sugar levels in diabetics. It also helps in boosting your immune power by promoting more antioxidants in the blood.

Coriander is one of those herbs which are essentially useful to the overall gut health, plus you can eat them daily. However, you should not add an excess of coriander leaves to your dish, or else, you will lose the original flavor of the dish. It is because these leaves have a strong aroma and flavor that can surpass the original taste of the dish.

Can You Freeze Coriander Leaves Raw?

Can You Freeze Coriander Leaves Raw?
Source: Pexels

Yes, you can freeze raw coriander leaves. There are two popular methods you can use for freezing coriander leaves. The first method is a direct method of freezing and the second method is the ice tray method. Let’s take a look at individual processes.

1. Direct Freezing of Coriander

You can freeze fresh store-bought coriander stalks and leaves using this method. Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Chop Leaves from the Stem: Start by separating fresh and clean green leaves from the stem of the herb. Get rid of any yellow or brown leaves and weeds in the stem. Do not throw the stalk of the coriander, it has essential nutrients and is good for your gut health. For this, you might need to stay at the kitchen counter for about twenty minutes.
  • Wash the Stalks and the Leaves: Thoroughly wash the leaves and stalks of coriander so that every bit of dirt and soil is washed away. Then dry these leaves and stalks with a kitchen towel.
  • Chop Again: At this stage, you can chop them further to get fine pieces of coriander leaves for later use.
  • Bag’em Up: Toss all the chopped leaves and stalks in airtight bags and remove excess air by pressing the bag gently. Seal the bag airtight and do not allow any air to pass inside. To stash in a zip-top freezer bag is the most essential step to freeze cilantro so as to protect them from oxygen.
  • Freeze: Throw the sealed bags in the freezer and chill for up to four months.

Though this method seems easy, it has a risk that your coriander leaves will go bad and oxidize. Coriander is a delicate herb and it can’t withstand such extreme temperature conditions. It will end up getting all mushy and sticky. Therefore, if you are using this method then try to use the frozen coriander within two months.

2. Ice Tray Freezing of Coriander

Similar to other herbs like basil and parsley, coriander leaves have quite a strong flavor and a beautiful greenish texture. Therefore, freezing fresh cilantro for later use is a better option. However, if you have an extra bunch of coriander leaves, you can freeze them using this method to preserve their original flavor.

  • Clean the Leaves: Start by separating fresh leaves from the herb and clean them nicely with water. Remove any traces of dirt and soil to prevent the contamination of the herb.
  • Grind them in Food Processor: Either you can chop these clean leaves or use a food processor to aid you in the process. The result should be nicely chopped green coriander leaves and stalks.
  • Stalk in Ice Trays: Place them in a clean ice cube tray and fill them till you reach almost the rim of every cube space. Then, pour melted butter or olive oil into these trays till they fill each cube. Cover them with a cling film to avoid any air entrapment.
  • Short Freeze: Freeze these trays for 4 to 5 hours or until you get solid ice cubes of coriander.
  • Ultimate Freeze: Once you get desired ice cubes, you can remove them from the tray and shift them into freezer-safe bags or boxes. Add labels to these boxes and freeze them for later use.

How long can you Freeze Coriander?

How long can you freeze coriander?
Source: Pexels

Can you freeze cilantro in the freezer? Yes, you can! Although cilantro is a tender herb, you can freeze it for four months by following the ice cube method. Avoid using the first method as it will leave you with brownish mushy coriander leaves.

No one would prefer to use coriander leaves in such a state. Plus, there is a high chance of oxidation of coriander leaves in the first method. Therefore, try using the second method to freeze coriander leaves because cilantro can go bad during freezing.

You can also add other herbs like parsley, thyme, and basil to the coriander cubes to create a mixture of flavors. It elevates the taste of any dish by several thresholds.

Is it okay to refreeze Coriander?

As mentioned above, coriander is a very tender herb. Therefore, try using it in a new state if possible. However, if you are freezing them, then do not think of refreezing them again. If you do so, you’ll end up destroying the texture and flavor of coriander leaves.

Also, you will get a brown oxidized, and spoiled mushy state of coriander leaves on refreezing. Therefore, use them at once and discard the rest. However, if you are using the ice tray method then you must simply remove the number of cubes you’ll need and do not disturb other cubes.

Can you Freeze Coriander Pesto?

Can you Freeze Coriander Pesto?
Source: Pexels

Freezing coriander pesto is the best decision to store coriander leaves without losing their texture and flavor. Start by preparing a coriander pesto by grinding coriander leaves, ginger, peanuts, and cheese of your choice.

Throw a dash of olive oil into this mix and get a fine paste. Transfer this paste to clean ice trays and freeze till you get nice solid pesto cubes. Transfer these cubes to separate airtight containers or bags and label them. You can use these cubes directly while cooking without thawing them.

Another way of freezing pesto is by pouring it into ziplock bags and pressing the bag in the freezer horizontally. Freeze the bag and you will have a perfect cube of coriander pesto. Again, do not defrost this cube and use it directly.

Recipes to Prepare with Frozen Coriander

Try these unique and delicious recipes with frozen coriander leaves to satisfy your taste buds! Pick a recipe that suits your menu and get started!

1. Coriander Tequila Margarita:

Coriander Tequila
Source: Pexels

Take a pan, and create a sugar syrup by dissolving 1 cup of water and 2 cups of sugar. Then, turn off the flame and add frozen coriander leaves to the sugar syrup and allow the flavors to sink in. Add lime juice to this mix so that the flavors are well-absorbed in the drink. Now freeze this liquid content for 5 hours so that you get a solid form of the above drink. Scrape off the frozen drink base and pour into separate glasses. Add shots of tequila to the drink and you are done! That’s an easy tangy recipe for you.

2. Coriander Spicy Sweet Chutney: 

Coriander Chutney
Source: Pexels

To prepare coriander chutney, take frozen coriander leaves or cubes and place them in the grinder. Add three to four chilies, crushed ginger, 1 tsp salt, and 3 tsp of sugar to the mixer. Add a few drops of water to adjust the consistency and mix all the ingredients. You can use this chutney with different Indian snacks or cuisines like samosas!

Lastly, freezing coriander is an easy process but you should refrain from freezing it for more than 3 months. To prevent the original texture and flavor of the leaves try to freeze them as pesto or in ice cubes. That marks the end of the recipe.

How to Store Coriander Seeds?

If you are searching for how to store coriander seeds, then know that there are no serious efforts required in the process! Dry coriander seeds will stay in an airtight container for a sufficiently long time. There’s no urgent need to freeze these seeds. Instead, it can stay pretty well outside the freezer as well. However, if you keep the seeds in an airtight bag or container in the freezer, they will freeze well.

Tips for Freezing Fresh Cilantro

Frozen cilantro is definitely not suitable for garnishing purposes. For specific garnishing uses you will need fresh cilantro. Follow these tips as they will be helpful for freezing cilantro in the long run.

  1. When freezing cilantro we recommend that you can use clean moisture free airtight bags for better storage. Traces of moisture in the bag does impact the shelf-life of cilantro leaves.
  2. Always add labels to the airtight bag or container so that you can distinguish them from other greens.
  3. If you are freezing pesto, then make sure you put the correct labels on the container. Because different types of pesto can appear the same after freezing for a certain time.


Lastly, freezing coriander is an easy process but you should refrain from freezing it for more than 3 months. To prevent the original texture and flavor of the leaves try to freeze them as pesto or in ice cubes.

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