Can You Freeze Apples?

Can You Freeze Apples?

Apples are among my favorite fruits, whether they are red, green, or anywhere in between. Apples can be utilized in so many different ways, whether you choose to boil them for a seasonal treat or eat them whole as a crisp five-a-day snack.

It’s hard to imagine you could ever have too many of them, but occasionally a couple can end up wilting, turning brown, and becoming mushy in the fruit bowl. Also, they have a particular season and therefore cannot be found all year round. Here comes the question, can you freeze apples?

Yes, you can freeze apples at home. It is best to use freezing apples in cooking or smoothies as fruit that has been chilled, thawed, and has a softer texture. You can freeze Bramley apples and other short-season apples.

Can You Freeze Apples

The best method for making apples simpler to use directly from the freezer is to “open freeze,” which will stop the slices from clumping together.

However, you may keep apples such that they remain fresh for days, weeks, or even months after you’ve purchased them. Here are the quickest and simplest methods for extending the best of autumn.

Procedure For Freezing Apples

Any apple variety may be frozen. Cooking and eating apples may be frozen using the same technique: freeze them whole or cut them into slices on a baking sheet, then move them to freezer bags for extended cold storage.

Sliced apples may be quickly used in recipes by being frozen after a little additional preparation; simply remove them from the bag and add them to a pan of muffins.

Procedure For Freezing Apples

Apples should be frozen whole, with the skin still on. Since the flavor and texture of apples might change throughout the freezing process, it is preferable to combine them into juice after they have been defrosted.

Methods For Freezing Whole Apples

Due to their protective peeling and robust constitution, apples may be stored for up to 3 weeks at a time in a cool, dry, and dark environment as opposed to less than a week at room temperature on your kitchen worktop. As with other fruits and vegetables, such as potatoes, only attractive apples must be picked for storage, as damaged fruits can spoil the entire harvest.

Step 1: Wash.

Give your apples a gentle wash under the faucet to remove any debris, and then pat dry with a fresh tea towel.

Step 2: Freeze.

Place your apples on a baking sheet covered with greaseproof paper, making sure they are not overlapping. Put them in the freezer, uncovered and flat.

Avoid leaving them in this position for more than two hours as this may result in a freezer burn on your apples. Consider the fruit and vegetable drawer of your refrigerator, as most apple kinds do best at temperatures around 3°C. Though they generate ethylene gas, which hastens the ripening process, don’t stack them on top of many other fresh foods.

Step 3: Seal the bags.

Put your apples in a freezer bag when they have frozen firm, labeling the bag with the contents and the date you have frozen it.

When making delicious smoothies anytime you have a hankering but no fresh fruit available, whole apples will last for around 6 months inside the freezer. Just keep in mind to thaw them out beforehand.

You’ll need plastic for packaging apples that have tiny holes to retain the proper humidity. Since apples are mainly water, they require a humidity of 90–95 percent. Although the packaging will keep it moist, the few air holes provide the apples with just enough room to breathe. You may put your apples in the bag they came in and put them in the refrigerator as long as there are some spaces for air. Useful if you have a couple of Brae-burns lying around.

Methods For Freezing Whole Apples

Freezing apples will develop a waxy material on their gleaming red (or green) peels if you store them for a while. Avoid the temptation to scrape it off since it serves as an apple by helping to keep out germs and seal in the mouth-watering juices.

Wash and dry your apples before wrapping each one on a piece of paper. After that, select a good location, preferably out of direct sunshine, and place the apples in a cardboard box with a few air holes cut in it.

Method To Freeze Apple Slices

Methods For Freezing Apples Slices

Step One: Wash, Peel, Core, And Slice Your Apple

You can slice apples and use them as a filling for pastries, smoothies, apple sauce, chutney, and other dishes. As you would for a snack, prepare them by washing, coring, and chopping the apple.

Step Two: Expel The Browning

When an apple is exposed to light, it oxidizes and turns a brownish color that is not pleasant. It’s okay to eat, but there’s a quick fix in your pantry that will prevent this from happening.

Step Three: Freeze

Spread the slices on a baking sheet, cover with plastic wrap, and set in the freezer for a few hours, or until hard. Avoid touching them since the fruit’s juices will cause them to stay together.

Step Four: Bag

Put your slices in a freezer bag, give them a name, and put them away. Freeze apple slices for about six months in the freezer.

Take the amount you need when you’re ready to use them, then stir them right into pie fillings or use them to decorate an apple tart.

Do Apples Freeze Well?

Apples taste their best when they are fresh. The apples do not always freeze well, even if you follow all the freezing guidelines. Whole apples won’t be able to be frozen, defrosted, and then consumed just like fresh apples. They’ll turn mushy.

Do Apples Freeze Well

However, freezing is a fantastic way to extend the life of the apple while maintaining its nutrients and flavor if you want to use it in a smoothie, oatmeal, or dessert. Frozen apples can be had in many ways, especially in recipes.

Cooking Apples (Enough To Produce The Basis Of 1 Crumble).

  • 3 medium Bramley apples and 1/2 lime juice
  • You should peel, core, and cut them into half-centimeter slices.
  • You should put the slices in a large mixing basin and mix them with lemon juice.
  • Toss the pieces together to evenly distribute the lemon juice.
  • Open the slices, freeze them until solid, and put them in a freezer bag.
  • When you’re ready to use them in the kitchen, preheat the oven to 190°C/170°F/gas 5. Place the fruit in an oven-safe dish and bake for approximately 15 minutes, or until the fruit begins to soften. Then, cover with your crumble topping and bake by the directions.

Cooking Apples

Can We Freeze Cooked Apples?

Yes, you can freeze cooked apples. Additionally, stewed apples are simple to freeze, making your subsequent apple crumbling an even easier treat.

Your apples must cool after cooking. Place them in your freezer after portioning them out into little plastic containers or individual freezer bags. They can last for up to six months in this fashion.

That crumble is fancy. All you have to do is put the apples in a dish, cover them with crumble mix and sugar, and bake until the apples are eaten through and the top is gorgeously brown.

How to Freeze Baked Apples?

  • Using an apple cooker, prepare the entire cooking apples as if you were going to bake them. To prevent discoloration, spray the chopped portion with a little lemon juice after removing the core.
  • Before continuing with your recipe, freeze it and then give it some time to thaw.

How to Freeze Baked Apples

How Long Do Frozen Apples Remain Good?

Frozen apples keep well in the freezer for a full year as long as you drain the apples well and remove as much air from the zip-lock bags as you can. However, after the first six months, there is a chance that the apples will start to lose some of their flavor, so it’s better to utilize them before then.

Can You Refreeze Apples?

I would not suggest refreezing the apples. As you draw more moisture out of the apple during freezing and thawing, frozen apples will freeze at a different rate, which can completely damage the texture. To avoid refreezing, you can freeze the apples in portions, and defrost only the required quantities.

Can You Refreeze Apples


You may keep apples such that they remain fresh for days, weeks, or even months after you’ve purchased them. Your apples should store well when frozen for several months. They shouldn’t taste dry or bitter when thawed if you prepare them properly. You know that any kind of apple can be frozen.

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