How To Freeze Prepared Meals? The Best Way To Freeze Prepared Meals?

Can You Freeze Prepared Meals?

What could be better than having a bowl of ready meals on your table after you come home from a tiring day of work, isn’t it? Cooking meals in the kitchen could be really tiring on some days when you put that extra effort into cooking something special, right?

Can You Freeze Prepared Meals

Cooking something special calls for a heartful meal, which all of us would like to enjoy every time! But cooking the meal each time is not really an option. Following that, have you ever thought of freezing prepared meals? Can you freeze prepared meals?

Yes, you can freeze prepared meals. They are one of the best things that can be frozen and had later. Freezing is the best way to store your prepared meals for the future. Know more about freezing prepared meals in the following sections.

How To Freeze Prepared Meals?

The process of freezing is quite simple. Just ensure that you follow the steps carefully, and you can store your prepared meals for around three months in the freezer.

How To Freeze Prepared Meals

Check out the following steps to freeze your prepared meals at home:

  • Prepare your meals beforehand and set them aside for cooling at room temperature. Make sure you allow the dishes to cool sufficiently before freezing them, otherwise, they will not freeze well.
  • Once, the prepared meals have been cooled, take a spatula and transfer them into ziplock bags carefully. You can also use freezer-safe containers to store your meals. Both of them will work perfectly fine in the freezer as long as they are freezer-safe.
  • Remove as much air as possible from them to eliminate bacteria growth, and seal all the packaging tightly. If you think the sealing is not enough, you can further wrap the enclosed prepared meals in cling film.
  • Label and date the containers. While this step might seem unnecessary, it is vital because the information on the packaging will let you know how long the prepared meal has been stored in the freezer.

Once all of the above-mentioned steps are fulfilled, you can stack your prepared meals in the freezer for freezing.

What Is The Best Way To Freeze Prepared Meals?

The best way to freeze prepared meals is to use “freezer-safe” bags instead of normal storage bags. Yes, specifically freezer-safe bags because the food will stay fresher for longer since the bags are comparatively thicker.

What Is The Best Way To Freeze Prepared Meals

Also, the freezer-safe bags are convenient to use and can be flattened into a thin shape to be placed comfortably in the freezer. This further speeds up the freezing and thawing processes of the food items.

Tips To Freeze Prepared Meals?

Now that you know how to freeze prepared meals the best way, check out the following tips for better results:

  • If you intend to freeze your prepared meals, plan ahead and make some extra at a time. Spend one hectic day in the kitchen and enjoy your meals for up to months. This will save you time and effort to cook the meal again.
  • Avoid adding dairy products, especially cream cheese, ricotta, and cottage cheese, if you intend to freeze your prepared meals. They tend to separate after defrosting most of the time.
  • Do not add ingredients that contain a lot of moisture, such as green leafy vegetables and lettuce. This is because they are less likely to turn out well after defrosting. Also never freeze raw potatoes as they will oxidize and turn black.
  • Ingredients that you add to garnish the recipe, such as fried onions, crushed nuts, or spring onions, should be added later when you reheat the dish. These garnishings might turn soggy upon freezing, so it is always best to add them later.

Tips To Freeze Prepared Meals

How To Defrost Prepared Meals?

Defrosting the prepared meals from the freezer could not be more easy! All you have to do is remove the frozen containers from the freezer and place them in the refrigerator overnight or for about 8 hours for thawing. This will be enough to defrost them adequately.

How To Defrost Prepared Meals

However, remember that you cannot defrost the frozen meals at room temperature. This is because it will spoil the texture and flavor of the meals. So always defrost your food in the refrigerator for the best results.

How To Reheat Frozen Prepared Meals The Right Way?

Reheating the food is always best after it has been defrosted sufficiently in the refrigerator. You cannot reheat frozen prepared meals directly from the freezer, therefore wait for the food to thaw first, then reheat them.

You can reheat the defrosted meals, either in a microwave or on the stove-top, or any other way you desire. However, the techniques will differ depending on the meal size. By meal size here I mean the amount of meal you are freezing in a container.

How To Reheat Frozen Prepared Meals The Right Way

If the prepared meals are serving-sized, it would be best to reheat them in the microwave. This will also be quick and convenient. However, while using the microwave, keep checking the temperature at intervals so that you do not overheat the food.

Additionally, if you have an oven, you may choose to directly reheat the frozen prepared meal in it. Cook it for 20 minutes at a high temperature and it will be ready to serve. Lastly, on the stovetop, just reheat the meal as you would normally cook a meal.

How To Freeze Prepared Meals

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