Can You Freeze Jam Doughnuts? How Long Can You Keep Them Frozen?

Doughnuts are so amazing, they are one of the most famous and most consumed snacks in North America. When it comes to jam doughnuts even you would agree that letting them go to waste is a crime. They are a real treat to your mouth and belly, aren’t they? So you got to simply ask yourself a question, can you freeze jam doughnuts? If you aren’t familiar with the process then the answer might surprise you.

How can you freeze jam doughnuts

Doughnuts come in a regular ring shape, but the varieties and looks can vary. Some are filled, some are covered in sprinkles, some have ice frosting and are dipped in chocolate. Well, donuts come in so many varieties that sometimes it’s even hard to memorize them. The interesting thing is that every flavor has its uniqueness to it. But can you freeze them? That’s what you will be discovering here.

Can You Freeze Jam Doughnuts?

The straightforward answer to your question is yes you can freeze jam doughnuts. It would be appropriate to say that you can freeze donuts for up to three months. Since doughnuts are sweet, their shelf life automatically decreases because sweets get spoilt very easily.

So, it’s highly suggestive that if you have some left out or you have overbought the donuts, then freezing them is the best possible way of preserving them. You can freeze them easily at home.

Can You Freeze Jam Doughnuts

To freeze the doughnut wrap it individually using a proper clingfilm. Further, you should be storing that in an airtight container. And when you are craving a donut, you just have to simply defrost it in the refrigerator overnight. Then enjoy whenever you want. Learn more about freezing donuts below.

How Can You Freeze Jam Doughnuts?

Let me tell you that freezing doughnuts is one of the easiest things you can do in your kitchen. So, don’t worry at all about its complications. One thing that should bother you is the freezer burn. This alone can spoil the entire taste of your doughnut and possibly your entire batch.

If you want to prevent your doughnuts and avoid freezer burn then follow every step keenly. To avoid freezer burn you must wrap your doughnut very well. Apart from that, nothing can stop your doughnuts from freezing well.

How can you freeze jam doughnuts

Below mentioned is the entire procedure to freeze jam donuts, stepwise:

Step 1: Allow your doughnut to cool.

The relevancy of this step is only limited to the fact that you have prepared your doughnut at your home. If that is so then put them on a baking tray and allow them to cool at room temperature for a while. This is not a very time taking process but you should always avoid direct freezing of any hot or warm eatables.

If you have bought your donuts from the market then skip this step.

Step 2: Wrap your donuts individually.

It’s my sincere appeal that you always wrap your donuts individually, with the help of cling film. At some pace, you might find people recommending greaseproof paper. But I would always suggest you go with cling film to avoid any freezer burn. A cling film offers the best sort of protection against any sort of freezer burn.

Step 3: Bag all the wrapped donuts.

Once you wrap your donuts properly then try looking for a freezer-friendly bag. It should be airtight. You then have to place all the donuts inside it one by one. Then seal it and suck all of the air out.

Step 4: Now label the bag and freeze them.

At last on your bag, you should be writing or labeling the date of freezing or date of buying. It’s basically done to have a reminder that you have to finish it before the 3 months period from freezing.

Now label the bag and freeze them

Step 5: Try Freezing it inside the freezer.

Once you have labeled the bag, now is the time to keep it inside the freezer. After you have stored the donuts inside allow them to freeze.

How Long Can You Keep The Donuts Frozen?

You should not worry at all for the next 3 months or 90 days and try finishing them in the very duration. As post 3 months or 90 days period, it will start to spoil. The texture will the 3 months so will be the case with taste. Following the above steps, your jam donuts can never be wasted.

How To Thaw Frozen Donuts?

Once you have frozen the donuts the next, you will be looking at is how to defrost or thaw them. Without defrosting it’s just a frozen round-shaped food which you cant have.

Ways to thaw frozen jam doughnuts

The best way of thawing donuts is by keeping them inside the fridge overnight. Then enjoy it later.

But in case you are looking to defrost it way sooner, you need not worry as I have another method for you.

Ways to thaw frozen jam doughnuts

You can defrost/reheat your doughnut using a microwave. Place your frozen doughnut inside the microwave. Use a microwave-safe dish to reheat the donuts. Close the door of the oven and set the timer for 20 seconds.

Make sure this process is done on low settings as overheating can burn your doughnut.

You can even thaw them by placing them on a countertop for 3 to 4 hours. Then keep it to cool at room temperature.

Once you have defrosted your jam donuts then have them within 24 hrs.

Can You Refreeze Jam Doughnuts?

I would advise you not to think of refreezing the jam donuts once you have thawed them. It’s only because refreezing can possibly ruin the entire texture of your delicious jam donuts. They can easily get soggy if frozen way too much.

Can You Refreeze Jam Doughnuts

The refreezing situation can easily be avoided by following one simple step while freezing your jam donuts. While wrapping your donuts to freeze, wrap them individually.

As doing this will always give you an advantage of taking out the donuts as per your need or requirement. Therefore no excess thawed donuts will lead to no refreezing jam doughnut situation.

Do Jam Doughnuts Freeze Well?

Well till now you must have an idea that if frozen properly, then jam donuts will freeze very well. The only thing that you need to take care of is that you wrap your donuts individually using the cling foil. If you follow the very step then no one can stop you from enjoying jam donuts, whenever you like.

Can You Freeze Krispy Kreme Donuts?

Yes, you can also freeze Krispy Kreme donuts. But, you have to be conscious of certain things while going through the freezing process. Always remember that it has to be kept in an airtight plastic bag or a resealable container.

How can you freeze krispy kreme donuts

You would have found that after a couple of days or 48 hours of purchase, your donut might not taste the same as when you bought it. It’s because it has started to turn stale. That is why it is advisable that you finish your batch before 24 hours. Post that, rush to freeze it. If not done so you are going to spoil your doughnut along with your money.

Note: You can freeze jelly-filled donuts

Can You Freeze Dunkin Donuts Jelly?

Yes, similar to other donuts you can also freeze dunkin’ donuts jelly too. Yet similar to other donuts you have to follow the necessary steps to do so.


If you are a doughnut lover like me then all of your donut cravings can easily be fulfilled with jam donuts. So, do not hesitate to take advantage of the bumper offers and buy more of jam donuts. Now you shouldn’t be having any problems. If you can’t have them fresh you now know how to thaw your frozen jam donuts. Jam doughnuts can do a pretty amazing job as a dessert.

However, you are able to freeze jam donuts, now you know how to thaw jam donuts and even their ample amount of usage. I guess this was a win-win post for you. Let me know in the comments what best did you like in this post and what more you were looking for.

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